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50 of the most influential people in American cycling

50 of the most influential people in American cycling

Shining a spotlight on the important work of a few...

When I first set out to write this list it was because of a genuine interest in who the people are in the US making a positive impact for cycling today. There are about 20 obvious names that I can list off the top of my head, but are they actually influential, or just well-known? 

This turned out to be a much larger and more interesting exercise than I ever imagined. 

The word “Influential’ needs a definition to help inform this list. The Oxford dictionary defines influence as “the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behaviour of someone or something, or the effect itself.”

To narrow down the definition of ‘Influential’ even further, I think it should also encompass the spirit of being positive and in the service of others.

Legends such as Keith Bontrager, Joe Breeze, Gary Fisher and others most certainly deserve recognition alongside their fellow US Bicycle Hall of Fame inductees, but as of 2023 their historic contribution and legacy is probably more notable than their current and active influence is.  

There were hundreds of nominees put forward and I can’t thank everyone enough for that. The criteria I used to assemble these 50 names was the following:  


What is this not:

As with any list there will be many who will be missing. This list is not in any particular order, and it isn’t the ‘top 50.' It’s simply ‘50.'

Now, what gives a Canadian/Australian the authority to assemble this list you ask? Well, nothing, except that I have the password to publishing on this site. And also, I come into this with few pre-conceptions, alliances, or obligations. This isn’t a definitive list that was painstakingly surveyed, voted, etc. I asked our fellow editors, polled our Escapee members, asked our social media followers, and created the list based on names who came up again and again. I looked more into them and many took me on delightful tangents.

Also, I’m aware of the bias of our members and audience’s location and that they come to us for a specific type of cycling. Advocacy, gravity MTB, para, track, sustainability, regions of the US, and other areas will surely be underrepresented, so please point out any I’ve missed in the comments. 

Here we go, in no particular order:

Sam Balto and the Bike Bus (Photo: Jonathan Maus/BikePortland)

In closing, I want to acknowledge that capping this list at 50 was incredibly difficult. Firstly, because there is no way to properly rank these names. Also, no matter how I define it everyone has their own interpretation of what "influential" means. And the effects of the social media bubbles in the places I solicited these nominations will certainly hold strong biases. 

What I learned from this is that there are so many people doing good things to make a positive impact on their communities who should be acknowledged, and this list could be extended into the thousands. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

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