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Geek Warning: A deep dive on new Shimano GRX and 105 12-speed mechanical

Geek Warning: A deep dive on new Shimano GRX and 105 12-speed mechanical

Dave Rome discusses what's new with Shimano in a special episode of Geek Warning.

Welcome to a special episode, brought to you by the geeks of Escape Collective. In this deep dive, tech editor Dave Rome interviews Nick Legan and Dave Lawrence from Shimano about all that’s new (and not) in the latest GRX 12-speed mechanical groupset.

At some point in the chat it’s mentioned that new 105 12-speed mechanical is also inbound, and so the conversation covers that, too.

Tune in to hear about all that’s new, how HG+ works, an explainer on freehub compatibility, cable durability concerns, and a few bad (excellent) puns.

You can listen on iTunesSpotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Or click play below.

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