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Geek Warning: Good entry-level aluminum bikes are rad

Geek Warning: Good entry-level aluminum bikes are rad

The Geek Warning crew discusses the updated Allez from Specialized, Kask's new Elemento, Wahoo news, Bontrager news, and more.

The Geek Warning crew has lots of new stuff to chat about this week! Specialized’s Allez revamp is hardly revolutionary, but there’s a lot to be said for a no-frills and accessible bike that’s executed well. Dave has some (bad) ideas for Kask on how to market its new Elemento flagship helmet, Wahoo’s founder owns his company again, and Trek makes an interesting move with the Bontrager brand name.

We also chat about Aerocoach’s latest round of rolling resistance tests, and Fairwheel Bikes’ intriguing crank stiffness tests. And finally, Dave shares some thoughts on cross-country mountain bike suspension, Zach reveals his secret love of cheap track bikes, James revisits his weight-weenie past, and we all take a leap through the Ring of Death.

2:45 — Specialized Allez
16:52 — Kask Elemento
22:11 — Trek vs. Bontrager
27:52 — Wahoo is back?
30:54 — Aerocoach measures the Vittoria Corsa Pro
35:16 — Which crank is stiffest?
43:40 — Dave likes things saggy
48:30 — Zach likes inexpensive track bikes
55:08 — James slips back into weight weenieism
1:02:34 — The Ring of Death, revisited

Before the geeks get to answering questions, they discuss some of the latest tech seen at the opening round of the mountain bike World Cup.

You can listen on iTunesSpotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Or click play below.

Of course, we have more over on the whole Escape Collective podcast network.

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