

Handmade Bicycle Show Australia 2023: Part four

We wrap up our series today with creations from The Lost Workshop, Bastion, HTech, and a Serk covered with CycloRetro goodness.

Dave Rome
by Dave Rome 14.06.2023 Photography by
Dave Rome
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It’s time to put a bow on our coverage of the 2023 Handmade Bicycle Show Australia.

You’ll find various frame materials and riding intentions in this fourth and final gallery. From Bastion’s limited-edition Arch Angel to The Lost Workshop’s flawlessly simple creations, to a modern classic from Serk, and the incredibly skilled builds of HTech – there’s something for everyone with an inkling of inner bike geek.

Do you have a favourite from across the four galleries? Let us know in the comments!

Are you viewing on a mobile-sized screen? This gallery is best experienced on a bigger screen. If sticking with your phone, please do these builders a favour and turn your screen sideways.

Auren Bikes returned to the show, this time also offering demos on its new commuter e-bikes. Auren bikes aren’t made in Australia, but they do design full custom titanium frames which tend to find particular appeal amongst the tall crowd.

Shown here is a gravel bike with an interesting dual-crown rigid truss fork, a design that was made popular most recently by Jeff Jones (Jones Bicycles).
Dirk and Mike from Passchier flew across the pond to be at the show. Made in New Zealand, Passchier handlebars use a bamboo laminate construction that aim for (and achieve!) a huge amount of comfort-producing flex. The company offers various shapes of flat handlebars, and I can attest to them doing what they claim.
That’s a wrap on the 2023 Handmade Bicycle Show Australia. The builders are back in their respective workshops creating new masterpieces and planning what to showcase in a year from now. Escape Collective will be there when the time comes.

If you love seeing our coverage from events like HBSA, please consider supporting what we do here at Escape Collective.

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