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Science Hydration Performance
Hydration and cycling, part two – A practical approach to staying hydrated

Hydration and cycling, part two – A practical approach to staying hydrated

Dietitian Dr Alan McCubbin continues his series with a hands-on guide to staying hydrated for your next big cycling event.

This is part two in a multi-part series from dietitian Alan McCubbin about the science of hydration and how it applies to cycling performance. In part one Alan brought us up to date on the latest research and what we can learn from it. In this instalment he takes a hands-on approach, offering a way you can ensure you stay properly hydrated for your next event.

How much should you drink for your next big cycling event? How much should you drink afterwards? We'll answer those questions, and more, as we continue our deep dive into the subject of hydration in cycling.

Over the years, I’ve slowly fine-tuned the approach I take with the athletes I work with. This approach considers that fluids are usually also an important source of carbohydrate during exercise, but whereas fluid needs change with different conditions, carbohydrate needs don’t.

The following approach is what I use for athletes training for a specific event, like a gran fondo, endurance MTB race, or triathlon. Note that if you don't feel like doing the calculations below for yourself, you can use a custom calculator I've built especially for Escape members. Just click the Join button to get access.

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