

Join the Tour de Fantasy Femmes avec Zwift Competition!

Pick your riders then battle your mates for some great prizes and bragging rights!

With the Tour de France fantasy competition already run and won it’s possible that you didn’t live up to your full potential. You could have done better if it wasn’t for that one dud pick, right? Now is your chance for redemption with your mates with the Tour de Fantasy avec Zwift competition!

Fantasy competitions can be complicated, but playing this one couldn’t be easier.

All you need to do is:

  1. Select one rider per stage to lead your team.
  2. Each rider you choose every day accumulates points towards your overall placing
  3. The twist? You can only choose a rider once!

To make the competition even more fun you have the ability to invite and challenge your friends with a mini-league.

Still not sure? Check out this handy ‘How to play cycling fantasy games‘.

We have some fantastic prizes up for grabs, thanks to our good friends at Zwift and POC.

Overall individual winner:

Zwift Ride with KICKR CORE smart bike

Daily prize draws for everyone who scores a point:

POC helmets (Omne AirVentral, or Ventral Lite)

Simply download the Escape Collective app from either the Apple Store or Google Play, and you’re all set.



How do I play along?

Everyone with a compatible Android or iOS device can participate. Once you download the app, login using your Escape Collective account email and password. Non-members can create a new account (free, fantasy competition only).

Once logged in, you’ll be able to enter your picks, join/create a mini league, and view the leaderboards.

There’s a main league, a members-only league, and a bunch of other leagues — what’s the difference between them all?

The main league takes every participant’s results and ranks them in the global leaderboard. You are automatically registered in this league and all you need to do is make your picks for each stage.

Leagues: participants can create their own leagues or join those created by their friends. These mini leagues can be private (invite only) or public, where anyone can join.

How is the leaderboard determined?

The main (and members) league will assign points based on the stage finish, with points assigned for places 1-10.

Stage Place1st2nd3rd4th5th6th7th8th9th10th

Mini leagues can use this leaderboard scoring (we recommend it), but can also opt for ranking by cumulative time. In leagues with this configuration, your elected rider’s time for the stage is tallied across the competition, and the lowest cumulative time wins – just like in the Tour!

What else?

Keeping up with the Tour on a daily basis can be tough, so we suggest you use the “Auto-Pick” function to populate picks for the entire Tour. You can always edit these as you go.

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