

New Tools Day #1: The first of many shiny moments 

Tool geeks, gather!

Dave Rome
by Dave Rome 24.03.2023 Photography by
Dave Rome
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I want to assume that when most people find themselves funemployed, they take to the outdoors, pursue a new hobby, and see the world. 

Me? My time off didn’t exactly go that way. Instead, I spent much of my newfound free time digging deeper into a hole of what could be considered work, albeit unpaid. I got my hands dirty with the contaminated grease of other people’s bikes. I reorganised my tool wall to better fit the tools I use most. I kept my 3D printer buzzing through the night. I started a podcast with Caley Fretz and Dane Cash. And I bought more tools. Oh yes, more tools! 

And so, with that, I have some new tools to share with those who care. And what better place to do that than in a new series inspired by something I’ve long done on my Instagram. This is New Tools Day. A place where I share the joy of new tools that span the spectrum from pocket-carry to home mechanic, and homemade through to objects of desire for pro mechanics.

Let’s dive right in!

Hello! Dave here. You may have noticed that this article was filled with products you don’t normally see covered by the bike industry. Perhaps you also noticed the complete lack of banner ads and affiliate links. That’s because this content is funded by our members. If you haven’t already, please consider becoming a member of Escape Collective. If you’re already a member, then I’d love for you to share this article with someone who may appreciate it. Your support will help to ensure that we can continue making content just like this.

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