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Podcast: Is it about the athletes?

The Placeholders discuss the rumors of a potential (and large) investment in bike racing and lots more ...

Ronan Mc Laughlin, Jonny Long, and Kit Nicholson join Caley Fretz to discuss the rumors of a potential (and large) investment in bike racing from a Saudi Arabian firm as well as the news of the UCI banning a pedal and Zdeněk Štybar’s retirement.

To get access to the members-only Escape After Dark segment of this podcast, sign up here.

You can listen to Placeholders on iTunesSpotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Or, just click play below.

Of course, you can listen to all the Escape podcasts (Placeholders, Geek Warning, Wheel Talk, and Pretty Serious Bike Racing) over on the Escape Collective podcast network.

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