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Geek Warning Geometry Podcasts Rob English Tech #wordpress #wordpress-post-id-161981 #post-format-standard
Bonus Geek Warning: Rob English on how modern bike fit trends might change road geometry

Bonus Geek Warning: Rob English on how modern bike fit trends might change road geometry

Do we need to rethink performance road bike geometry?

Welcome to another members-only (at least the full episode) edition of the Geek Warning podcast. In this episode, we ask if modern road bike geometries are due for an overhaul. Are current road geometries compromising riders seeking to adopt more forward and more aero racing positions, and what new compromises, if any, might a change in geometry introduce?

In the episode, Ronan Mc Laughlin talks to renowned framebuilder and Escape Collective contributor Rob English about the intricacies of frame design and geometry. They explore topics such as seat tube angles, bottom bracket drop, and how subtle tweaks can transform bike performance. Rob discusses how he designs bikes to match a rider’s contact points first and foremost and why sometimes tradition and aesthetics still play a role in bike design.

It’s a varied chat and thought-provoking conversation on how the future of road bike geometry might look and whether your next bike should have a custom fit that challenges conventional design. Enjoy!

A portion of this podcast is available to all. The full length version is available exclusively to members of Escape Collective. To add member-only podcasts, including this one, to your podcast player of choice, click here.

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