

Threaded #16: A mixed parcel of New Tools Day 

Hands-on with Wera’s latest cycling tools, fresh drops from PB Swiss, and some budget-conscious products from QiCycle and ZTTO.

Dave Rome
by Dave Rome 24.05.2024 Photography by
Dave Rome
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It’s time to make space in the toolbox and wait by the window for the courier to ring the doorbell. Oh yes, it’s New Tools Day!

As with previous editions of New Tools Day, this high-res gallery (best viewed on a bigger screen) offers a close look at a handful of new tools to come across my workbench. Some are intended for professional use while others are specifically made for the everyday cyclist.

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Overall, this Wera tool kit has a lot to like and functions well. Still, when the company asks US$150 / AU$250 for such a kit, I’d like to see all pieces genuinely be Wera’s creation, or at least design. We’re still in the early days of Wera catering to the cycling market, and I am genuinely excited to see what will come if Wera designs its own cycling tools for the workshop.

As it stands, this kit would make a nice gift, but if it were your own money, I’d suggest getting the Wera bit ratchet and bits in a smaller set, and then buy the chain breaker and quick link plier from a specialist brand.
The Noble Wheels bearing install kit. It’s where I first saw the concept of guided/aligned bearing drifts to ensure square bearing installs. Noble’s (currently discontinued) kit drives the bearing into place with a hammer, whereas the ZTTO kit uses a skinny press rod through the centre-aligning rods.
Effetto Mariposa has been a premium name in the cycling torque wrench game for over 15 years, and its torque tools have remained relatively unchanged in that time.

A forced manufacturer change has led to two new and redesigned torque wrenches. Sitting at the top of the range is the new Giustaforza 1-15 Pro Evo. I only just got my hands on this unit to test, and early impressions are that there are some nice improvements but not wholly without compromise. Consider this a teaser for the next time New Tools Day rolls around.

Viral things

I’ll openly admit to spending a little bit too much time on social media (mostly Instagram). Sure, it helps me discover new tools and products, but the designed doom scrolling is rarely time well spent. Just as you’re about to shut down your device, the algorithm throws in a golden nugget to reward the spiral of time wasting. And so the cycle continues. Here are a few things that caught my attention recently.

If you like this gallery, I highly recommend catching up on earlier editions of New Tools Day. We’re in the thick of “new things season” and you can bet the tool world is a part of that. Expect another edition of Threaded x New Tools Day in the near future.

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